


The European strategy for a sustainable and inclusive smart economy requires the centrality of knowledge and innovation for its growth.

From the mid-twentieth century, the dialectic between science and society has become one of the founding elements of the democracy of free societies. This has some unprecedented consequences: both politicians and citizens seek to participate in the governance of techno-science and to take relevant decisions for their development.

Given these assumptions, written science communication, for example, is the process of publication and dissemination in general on mature and non-mature science and technology topics and on the research results of universities, academies, research centres and institutions.

Moreover, it is a set of activities that are growing rapidly[1]:

  • between 6,000 and 7,000 scientific articles are written every day;
  • scientific and technical information is currently increasing by 13% per year, which means that it is doubling every 5.5 years;
  • this rate of increase could possibly jump to 40% per year, thanks to new, more powerful, information systems and the increase in the number of scientists.

This mean that every 20 months, the amount of data will double.


The aim of the project SCI-CO+ is to contribute towards filling an existing gap in the current panorama, with interdisciplinary theoretical and practical training aimed at those who intend to start a profession in the field of museum scientific communication.

At the same time, it is known =, as a consequence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, that the use of information and communication technologies and the need for easily accessible digital resources aimed at production, information, and knowledge has increased. The theme of “digital transition” has therefore become one of the central points of the political agenda. In the “Recommendation of the Council of 24/11/2020 on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience”, it is clearly highlighted that digital skills must be the heritage of systems and people both in work and training. In this regard, we also recall the “New Skills Agenda for Europe” and the “Digital Education Action Plan”.


The digital transition, limited to learning and work contexts, has two closely interconnected needs. The first, horizontal, is to provide individuals, both those in training and those already operating in the labour market, with specific skills to relate to each other and to carry out their learning and/or work tasks through large-scale use of digital technologies or, better, in virtual environments. The second, vertical, is to equip systems, both those of education and training, and those of production and services, with innovative skills to assist their digital transition. As highlighted by the Enterprise 4.0 EU Program, the digital transition of organisations and public administrations, alongside, alongside a need for innovative technologies, require new abilities, knowledge, adequate and upskilled competences, and specialised professionalism. Without the fulfilment of this second need, every attempt at digital transition is doomed to failure, as evidenced by the many studies carried out in Europe, in particular in the Small and Medium Enterprise sector.

[1] Source

The SCI-CO+ Answer

These two needs are met by the priorities identified by the SCI-CO+ Project, which has the general purpose of contributing, in an effective way, to the digital changes of a central sector for the cultural, social and economic development of the European Union and its individual Member States: the Science and Technology Communication sector (which we will indicate below with Science Communication). This is done through the professional adaptation and specialisation of those engaged or willing to engage in this large work field and through an advanced use of vocational education and training methodologies and technologies. Sci-Co+ represents an extraordinary and innovative response to the needs of this strategic sector that engages Europe on multiple levels that in addition to those previously mentioned, also include equal opportunities in access to scientific and technological knowledge.

Teaching-Learning Model

The teaching-learning model of the SCI-CO+ Project has solid theoretical, technological, and organisational bases that provide advanced solutions in the Vocational and Educational Training (VET) field through the use of innovative e-Learning, e-Work, Knowledge Management and Collective Intelligence methods and techniques. The topics covered are:

  • processes to create knowledge and competence;
  • methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of work performance;
  • knowledge and learning sizing models;
  • individual needs in work and learning;
  • the Collective Intelligence models and integrated Knowledge Management systems;
  • the models for remote working and learning in a Web 2.0 environment;
  • simulation models of production processes.

Aim and Objectives

General Aim

“To define and implement a methodological, technological and organizational system, based on new models and techniques for communicating scientific and technological knowledge, aimed at training new highly specialized professionals in the scientific communication sector and updating operators in the sectors of communication and scientific and technological education and training.”


More precisely, the Project aims to: (1) identify an innovative Model of Science Communication (called “e-SciCo”) based on the use of the most advanced solutions offered by ICT – in particular by Web 2.0 – and introduce specific methodologies for the ideation, design, development and implementation of “remote” scientific communication experiences based on e-SciCo Model; (2) design new Highly Specialized Professional Profiles for the sector and sets of new skills for the purpose of Updating Operators in the fields of communication and scientific and technological education and training; (3) implement a Technological-Organisational System to: disseminate the SCI-CO+ model; make all the products created by the project accessible and usable; manage a large and active community of practice for training, cooperative work and professional sharing in the field of science communication.


e-SciCo Model

The fast transition to digital requires new strategies, new communication models, updated specialised language, and new design and development techniques to create scientific and technological communication experiences that respond to contextual needs. More briefly, the need emerges for a new methodological, procedural, technological approach to scientific communication and for a set of specialised professional figures who, on the basis of specific application methodologies, make it possible to innovate the panorama of operators in the sector and, at the same time, ensure significant growth in the dissemination of scientific culture. This new conceptual approach to the production of interventions and communication initiatives of science and technology has been called the ‘e-SciCo Model’

e-SciCo Methodologies

Thee-SciCo Model must identify specific reference Methodologies and Application Techniques, indispensable for translating the guiding principles (knowledge, processes, strategies, and languages) into concrete implementation actions in science communication
  • eSciCo Design and Planning
  • eSciCo Development
  • eSciCo Scripting

New advanced professional figures

Training paths and their recipients

  • Specialization courses
    • Course for Sci-Co Advanced System and Project Leader aimed at graduates in Communication disciplines.
    • The Expert Course in Authoring and Design of Advanced Sci-Co Materials aimed at graduates in Computer Sciences/Engineering.
    • The Advanced Expert Course in Sci-Co Storytelling aimed at graduates in STEM disciplines.
  • Upskill Paths for
    • Operators and managers of Science Museums, Science Centres and other Public Engagement organizations;
    • University researchers in scientific and technological subjects;
    • High school teachers of scientific and technical subjects, in particular STEM.