Alessandra Drioli
Through its strategic goals, SCI-CO+ aims to improve the dissemination of scientific knowledge, promote collaboration among researchers, engage all audiences, ensure the reliability of information, and support continuous innovation in formats and technologies used.
In this first two years of the project, discussion and practice have highlighted some key points that I share here.
SCI-CO+ moves from the assumption that digital communication of science is characterized by its flexibility and dynamism, two fundamental qualities that determine its effectiveness in the contemporary context. The flexibility of digital communication allows the adaptation and customization of science content to different targets. This multimodal approach optimizes comprehension and engagement and means that it can quickly integrate content from current scientific affairs, ensuring that audiences have access to the most up-to-date information. The dynamic nature of digital communication is manifested in its ability to respond in real time to events and audience interactions. Digital platforms, such as social media and online forums, provide spaces for immediate feedback and discussion, allowing scientists to adapt their messages and approaches according to public reactions and changes in the scientific environment. This ability to respond quickly is crucial for maintaining public interest and addressing misinformation phenomena in a timely manner. The high degree of interactivity fosters a two-way dialogue. This interactivity not only enriches learning but also helps to build a collaborative and shared learning community. Engagement thus contributes to increasing a sense of trust in scientific research. The emergence of new platforms and tools further expands the possibilities for presenting and interacting with scientific content in innovative ways. Clearly, this also poses challenges, such as the need to ensure the quality and reliability of the information disseminated. With the ease of accessing and publishing content online, it is also essential to implement verification and control strategies to prevent the dissemination of incorrect or misleading information. Reliability becomes a key element. The combination of various communication strategies and advanced technologies involving scientists, communicators, educators, and technologists must ensure the creation of high-quality content that is both scientifically accurate and attractive.
Therefore, it is necessary to promote transparency and clarity, ensuring that scientific information is accurate, verifiable, and easily understood by various cultural and social contexts with a strong focus on its accessibility and comprehensibility. The difficulty of maintaining a balance between the complexity of scientific content and the need to make it accessible and understandable for today’s incredibly diverse non-specialist audience is evident. Specific skills in science communication are needed, which are not always present in research teams. To address this challenge, it is important once again to foster collaboration between scientists and communication professionals and to invest in training scientists in the most effective communication techniques.
The use of artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning to create learning experiences tailored to the individual needs and interests of users leads to thinking about personalization of contents, welcoming continuous feedback from the audience with the potential for constant improvement.
To ensure all this, a constant evaluation and analysis of impact becomes necessary with the use of quantitative and qualitative metrics to measure the effectiveness of chosen communication strategies.
The international dimension in which we necessarily move today then pushes us to recognize at all times the importance of communicating scientific discoveries in a way that can be understood and appreciated by people of different cultures and languages, promoting international collaboration.
Finally, central remains the issue of sustainability, intended in all its meanings, economic, social and environmental, which indicates the need to promote the development of networks, strategic partnerships with academic and research institutions, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private industry, while respecting all the issues previously discussed. Most importantly, it indicates as a priority to introduce inclusive and accessible models with environmentally sustainable design and development. It has become an increasingly important component in the design of interactive experiences. Designers are being asked to think about the environmental impact of their choices, promoting practices that minimize resource use and reduce their ecological footprint. This may include optimizing code to reduce energy consumption, choosing eco-friendly materials for hardware devices, and promoting sustainable behaviors through the user experience.