The new edition of Futuro Remoto, Italy’s first science festival, which began in 1987 as the brainchild of from the intelligence of plants to the challenge of artificial intelligence, the new edition of Futuro Remoto, Italy’s first Science Festival, created in 1987 from an idea by the physicist Vittorio Silvestrini and organised by Città della Scienza in Naples, will take place from 21 to 26 November in the exhibition spaces of the Neapolitan science centre.
With over 1000 researchers and 200 organisations involved, 500 live and online events including conferences, debates, exhibitions, escape rooms and interactive workshops, the 37th edition of the festival, which for over thirty years has been committed to bringing science and society closer together to spread scientific culture as a tool for critical awareness, especially among the younger generations
The programme of events dedicated to Sci-Co+ could not be missed, events that were organised with the collaboration of the two partners Navet and Ciencia Viva, with whom some of the innovative forms of digital communication of science were experimented on, a subject on which the Sci-Co+ project is carrying out its research and reflection.
It was therefore an opportunity to raise awareness of the project, expand the reference community and carry out action research.
Two events were successfully organised and are described in the Futuro Remoto release
Escape Room for a Sustainable Travel _ live with Navet Science Centre, Sweden
This activity was conducted in English and was aimed at high school students. It was an Escape Room, in which the group guided by Navet experts searched for clues first and then experimented and tested their discoveries by conducting a real live chemistry experiment. This activity was representative of the Sci-Co+ – High Professional Skills for Advanced Science Communication project funded by the Erasmus+ – KA220 – VET programme of which the IDIS foundation is the leader as it constituted one of its best practice references.
Journey in the Urban Water Cycle (FORMAT C)
This activity, carried out in English live with experts from the Pavillon of Knowledge, the main science centre in Portugal, was a journey to discover the urban water cycle in order to understand its value and importance for people’s health, dignity and equality. The activity was proposed as a best practice within the Sci-Co+ – High Professional Skills for Advanced Science Communication project, funded by the Erasmus+ – KA220 – VET programme, of which the IDIS foundation is the leader.