Editorial information
Quarterly of the Fondazione IDIS – Città della Scienza
Promoter and Coordinator of the Erasmus+
Project “SCI-CO+ – High Professional Skills for Advance Science Communication”
Director Luigi Amodio Editorial
Director Alessandra Drioli
In the editorial office Laura Bell, Giuseppe D’Angelo, Rosanna Marino, Joseph Roche, Dario Russillo, Alessandro Stile, Aoife Taylor, Alfredo Troiano
Editorial graphic design and layout Luca Mosele, Valentina Crudele English
proofreading by Laura Bell Aoife Taylor
Web publishing Alessandro Stile
Prints by Fondazione IDIS Città della Scienza (Italian version), Trinity College Dublin, Sciencia Viva Lisbona e Navet Boras (English version).
Editorial site: Via Coroglio, 57/104, 80124 Napoli. Telefono: +39-081-7352222
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