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The Community and Networking Area of SCI-CO+ provides a series of services that allow comparison, sharing and communication. These services constitute the SCI-CO+ Knowledge Management and Collective Intelligence System (KMCIS) of SCI-CO+ through which it is possible to immerse oneself in an advanced LearningWorking environment. The SCI-CO+ Community is multilingual.
Access to the Community & Networking Area is allowed only to members of the SCI-CO+ System (Users or Learners). These are collectively called “Members of the Community” or, simply, “Members”. For some Services, Members must make specific registrations.
A careful control policy is implemented to verify that Members who manage Discussion Forums and/or Blogs or who use networking tools, have an appropriate behavior and use appropriate language.
The Sci-Co+ Forum service allows members of the Community to participate in discussion initiatives on specific topics of interest in the field of Science Communication. The Forums are activated by experts from the SCI-CO+ Project who are members of the Community Management Committee. The Forum is organized by “Rooms” or “Thematic Areas“, divided into “Sections”. Each Section is dedicated to a theme of the macro-area to which it belongs. To participate in discussions in a Room, Members must subscribe to that discussion area. New discussions (“Threads“) can be started in each section. At each activation of a new Thread the system sends a “feed” (warning message / alert) to all members registered in the Room.
The Blog service is offered to all Members of the SCI-CO+ Community who wish to activate their own “thematic diary” on Science Communication. A blog can also be opened by a group of members. To read a “diary” a member of the Community must register. As in the case of the Sci-Co+ Forum, also in the case of the Blog Service every time a Diary is updated, a Feed is sent to all subscribers.
The Sci-Co+ Library collects and makes available to members of the Community texts on topics of interest to the sector. Not only books but also guides, handouts, articles, all cataloged and stored in pdf and / or e-book formats. In some cases, Members may download these materials onto their computers.
The Sci-Co+ Wiki is one of the tools that allow to create LearningWorking experiences. SCI-CO+ community members can read or realise Wiki pages on all topics of interest in the Science Communication sector. So, the Sci-Co+ Wiki is a specialized electronic encyclopedia that offers to Users and Learners the possibility of formalizing own knowledges, particularly the more specialized ones, in one or more wiki pages, also integrated with each other
The Chat service allows you to exchange both synchronous and asynchronous messaging with SCI-CO+ Users and Learners.
With the Videoconferencing service it is possible to make peer-to-peer video calls and group video-meetings between Members logged-in
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Program Erasmus+ Agreement No. 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000086033
Programma Erasmus+ Convenzione N. 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000086033
For information or clarifications on the Community , on SCI-CO+ Training, on the SCI-CO+ Project